5 Self Care Apps You Should Download During MCO

 *Article updated on 1 August 2021

Since the MCO has been extended, we’ve all been doing our part by staying at home and only coming out for essential goods! 


Let’s face it - after a few days of self-isolating in our homes, we’re all starting to get a little bored. And it makes sense. When you’re not allowed to leave your home for days on end, what else is there to do besides binge-watching Netflix and playing games on your phone? 


If you’re tired of taking naps every day, check out our top 5 apps to download during MCO: 


1. Get organized with Todoist 


Chances are - you’re supposed to be working from home right now, and it’s a challenge for a lot of people who’ve never done it before! With so many distractions at home, you’ll want to download an app that can help you stay on top of your productivity. Todoist is the ultimate to-do list app that will help you stay on top of your tasks by sending you reminders and monitoring deadlines! 


Download the app on Google Play Store OR Apple Store


2. Stay connected with Dialup


If you live alone and crave human contact, Dialup is the perfect app to help you connect to individuals who are quarantined or in self-isolation all around the world. Dialup was initially created to combat loneliness amongst individuals, but since then - they’ve developed a unique QuarantineChat service that connects individuals who are quarantined or in self-isolation following the COVID-19 outbreak. 


Download the app on Google Play Store OR Apple Store


3. Keep your body healthy with Nike Training Club 


Keep your body healthy during self-isolation by exercising! Nike Training Club currently offers 185 FREE workouts at varying different skill levels. The workouts also come in different categories to suit your exercise preferences and goals, such as strength, endurance and even mobility training. 


Download the app on Google Play Store OR Apple Store


4. Take care of your mental health with Calm 


We’re living in a time of uncertainty - which may make us feel anxious and scared. It’s more important than ever to take care of your mental health! Take some time out of your day to journal, meditate or practice gratitude; all great ways to ensure you’re taking care of yourself. A mindfulness meditation app like Calm is definitely essential in times like these. Calm will lead you through guided meditations and breathing exercises to clear your mind, and also give you prompts to think about all the things you’re grateful for. 


Download the app on Google Play Store OR Apple Store


5. Cook with Supercook 


We’re sure that you’ve stocked up your fridge and pantry with all the essential foods you need for this period of time at home! If you’re tired of cooking the same recipes that you know, why not try out a new one with the Supercook app? The SuperCook app for iOS and Android is built around finding recipes for what you have on hand, so you don’t need to risk going out to buy new ingredients to try out a fancy new recipe! This will help stave off the boredom of eating the same foods over and over again during this time. 


Download the app on Google Play Store OR Apple Store


As we wait for travel to be safe again, we hope you'll enjoy your time spent at home with these apps! Meanwhile, we would like to remind everyone to stay safe during this period of restricted movement. See you again soon!