Why Travel More in 2020

30 Dec 2019

Yes, we know the feeling of logging onto social media and seeing that a friend of yours has posted a picture on vacation… again! Every time this happens, you swear to yourself that next time it’ll be your turn. And yet you hesitate whenever you browse the internet looking for your next great adventure. What seems to be the problem? 


Fear not. Chances are if you’re reading this article, you definitely have more than a keen interest to travel. That is why we’ve decided to reaffirm to you some of the many reasons why you should take a step out of that door, and explore the great wide world out there. 


Here are the 5 reasons why you should travel more in 2020: 


1. Travelling Improves Your Health


 Photo by Thomas Schweighofer on Unsplash


From cutting down on stress, to lowering your chances of developing heart disease, the health benefits of travelling are huge. You may stay sitting on a chair in the office all day long - but while you’re travelling, you'll be sure to be out and about walking and exploring new places! Not to mention you’ll also be getting a boost to your mental wellbeing. Studies have in fact shown that travelling can boost your happiness more than going shopping! 


If you want an action-packed holiday, plan a trip to New Zealand - with boundless hiking trails and natural wonders to admire. Check out our package here: /media/623668/travel-more-pdf-1.pdf 


2. Travelling disconnects you from daily life 


 Photo by Rio Lecatompessy on Unsplash 


Sometimes you just need to take a breather. Travel is a great way to escape the stresses and commitments of everyday life, offering novelty and change in the form of new people, sights and experiences. According to a 2013 survey by the American Psychological Association, vacations can help manage stress and negative emotions by removing us from the sources of our stress. This in turn helps reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety. 


If you want to relax and get away from the stresses of daily life, try planning a trip to Bali - and chill by the beach. Check out our package here: https://www.mayflower.com.my/media/475836/4d3n_relaxing_bali_fiwrj3.pdf   


3. Travelling allows you to experience different cultures 


Photo by Macia Serrano on Unsplash


There are so many ways you can experience different cultures via travelling! Whether it is picking up words in a foreign language, trying out delicious new foods, or simply soaking in the sights and smells of a new place - you’d be able to expand your worldview every time you travel abroad. You’ll also be able to expand your social network if you choose to make friends with the locals on your journey. The benefits are boundless! 


Want to experience an exciting new culture? Travel to Morocco - a country of dizzying diversity. Check out our package here: /media/623669/travel-more-pdf-3.pdf 


4. Travelling creates lifetime memories 


 Photo by Christian Wagner on Unsplash 


No matter how insignificant it may seem, the fact that you've had an experience abroad creates a memory that you will remember for a long time. This is especially true if you travel with your loved ones. Whether it is taking your kids on a trip to Disneyland or going on a honeymoon with your spouse, these are memories that you will cherish forever. Many years down the road you'll appreciate the times that you've spent together through memories you've made. After all, photographs will fade, but memories last forever!


What better way to create lifelong memories than a trip to Disneyland with your family? Enjoy our Shanghai-Guangzhou & Disneyland package here: https://www.mayflower.com.my/media/409054/5d4n-shanghai-hangzhou-disneyland_fssc4a.pdf 


5. Travelling makes you appreciate your home even more 


Photo by Gigi on Unsplash 


Sometimes while travelling, we end up ignoring the treasures that our own cities and countries bestow us. In fact, it may dawn on you how much you’ve missed out on right where you live, and you may find yourself making plans to discover the attractions listed in your own town’s tourist brochure! Travelling makes you appreciate the people and places you grew up with—and how fortunate you are to have grown up with so much love and amenities at the tips of your fingers. 


After all, as Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz, ‘There’s No Place Like Home’! 


Explore your own backyard with our Taman Negara Exploration package: /media/623670/travel-more-pdf-5.pdf 


Register as a Mayflower member for the best travel deals and steals. Book your flight, hotel and tour packages on Mayflower.com.my now. AND don’t forget to follow our Mayflower Facebook Page for more!