5 Reasons Why You Have to Experience Local Vitamin SEA

24 Jul 2019

A yearly dose of “Vitamin Sea” is important for any traveller! Aside from the natural benefits of what a good restful beach holiday can bring you. Here are 5 amazing Vitamin Sea experiences in Malaysia that are really good for the soul!


1. A snorkelling experience like no other

Image by Free-Photos


One of the best places for snorkelling is at Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park in Sabah. This marine park covers five islands off the coast of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah - namely Pulau Gaya, Pulau Sapi, Pulau Manukan, Pulau Mamutik and Pulau Sulug. The real treasure of these islands is its surrounding waters that are filled with marine life in all colours, shapes, and sizes.

Swim among the shoals of fish - representing up to 364 different fish species - in more than 25 dives sites around the park! Keep an eye out for other amazing sea creatures such as the blue ringed octopus, turtles, cuttlefish, and even black-tip reef sharks. 


 2. Watch gorgeous sunsets and sunrises

Image by sabah guide


The sunsets and sunrises at Malaysian beaches are nothing short of spectacular. Go on a lovely evening beach walk on Kota Kinabalu’s most popular beach, Tanjung Aru Beach, and appreciate how beautiful the sky is when aflame with the colours of dusk.

For sunrise, pick any island off the east coast of Malaysia and it’ll make your early rise worthwhile. At Lang Tengah, you can go on a pre-dawn jungle trekking excursion which gets you to the top of Batu Kuching in only 25 minutes - just in time to welcome the sunrise of a new day. 


3. Marvel at the oceans magical ‘Blue Tears’ 

Image by themalaymail


Well, if you have heard of bioluminescent plankton, you’d know they kinda look like bright, glowing blue teardrops scattered on the shore! Bioluminescent plankton or ‘Blue Tears’ as most tourists would call it, is best seen on a moonless night between September to December at Nipah Bay on Pangkor Island, Tusan Beach in Sarawak, and also along the coast of Lang Tengah Island. It’s quite a magical experience, being surrounded by a starry night sky above and below. 



4. Catch a glimpse of the mysterious Sky Mirror island

Image by mdks

Sky Mirror is an island in the middle of the Straits of Malacca, about 1.74 nautical miles from Jeram, Selangor which appears only on the 1st and 15th day of the lunar month including four days before and after these dates when the tide is low. Living up to its name, this sand bar is covered by a very thin layer of water, giving it a mirror-like effect of the sky above. A day of good weather is a day of great photos at Sky Mirror, making you look like you’re hovering right in the middle of an “endless” blue sky filled with puffy white clouds! 


5. Be part of an ongoing turtle conservation project 


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 


Go turtle watching at Lang Tengah! Lang Tengah Turtle Watch is a local non-profit organisation that ensures that turtle eggs at Turtle Bay, Lang Tengah are carefully conserved, giving a chance for baby turtles to hatch and make their way back to the ocean safely. Witness the wonderful life cycle of these turtles when you take part in an eco-tourism volunteer program with them. For more information on how to volunteer, visit their website here.

Get your dose of Vitamin Sea when you 'Makan Angin' at these local beach destinations!  Check out our awesome domestic travel deals on our main Makan Angin deals page! 




Sarah Lim

Believes travel is more than food and shopping. Slowly becoming a history and architecture geek. Loves the outdoors but struggles to keep plants alive. 

Takes photographs, occasionally writes. Follow her adventures at @justsaytravel or just say hello. sarahlimwrites at gmail.

*Updated: 7th July 2020